Summary: | The world's six flamingo species are among the most beautiful and iconic animals on Earth. Indeed, the much beloved flamingo is a popular attraction at zoos around the globe, and has become a cultural phenomenon as well, being displayed proudly on the lawns of many suburban homes as well as being featured prominently in works of literature and art. While their physical characteristics have likely led to their iconic status, when one takes a moment to look beyond their long neck and legs and beautiful plumage, they will soon discover that the flamingo's behavioral patterns are equally as impressive and as fascinating as their appearance. Indeed, whether it be their highly gregarious and colonial nature, filter-feeding habits, ritualized group displays, the crèches of flamingo chicks, the construction of mud nests, or the answer to the age-old question, 'Why do flamingos stand on one leg?' , flamingo behavior/biology is thoroughly interesting, and at times peculiar. Moreover, our unique relationship with and fascination for the charismatic flamingos are an interesting phenomena in their own rights. This edited volume is devoted to flamingo behavior, biology and their relationships with humans. By thoroughly exploring and considering each of these topics together in one volume, this work is designed to encourage in the reader a greater understanding of and appreciation for these fascinating and iconic birds.