The Bloody husband, and cruell neighbour. Or, A true historie of two murthers : lately committed in Laurence Parish, in the Isle of Thanet in Knet, neer Sandwich: one murther by the hands of Adam Sprackling Esquire, who upon the 12th day of December last, being Sabbath day ; in the morning, cut, mangled, and murthered his own wife ; for which fact he was hanged at Sandwich upon Wednesday the 27th day of April last, 1653. The other the murther of Richard Langly, of the same parish, whose blood also (as is here shewed) cryed against the said Mr. Sprackling, written by one that lives neer the place where the said murthers were committed, and was present at Mr. Sprackling's tryall ; and published for the warning, and good of all. May 13. 1653. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy.

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Imprint:London : Printed by Tho. Warren., 1653.
Description:1 online resource ([2], 14 pages)
Format: E-Resource Book
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Varying Form of Title:Bloody husband, and cruell neighbour
True historie of two murthers
Notes:Wing (2nd ed., 1994) B3254
Thomason E.697[10].
Print version record.