A most strange, but true account of a very large sea-monster : that was found last Saturday in a common-shore in New Fleet-Street in Spittle-Fields, where at the Black-Swan alehouse, thousands of people resort to see it: herein you have the dimensions of the said surprizing creature, with the various conjectures of several able men concerning what may be the omen of this creatures leaving the sea, and to rove so far under ground, the common-shore where it was found running above two miles before it empties itself at Blackwall: the occasion of this creature's coming hither being likewise hinted on by P----ge in his monthly prognostications for this year 1704.
Saved in:
Imprint: | London, : Printed for R. Smith, near Spittle-Fields-Market, 1704. |
Description: | 1 online resource (1 sheet ([1] p.).) |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | E-Resource Book |
URL for this record: | http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/11529490 |