The scornful maid, and the constant young-man. : With mocks and taunts she doth him jear, as in this ditty you may hear ; yet no denyal he would have, but still her favour he did crave: yet at the last she granted love, and vowed she would constant prove ; yet in this ditty you may find, it is money that doth a bargain bind. Tune of, Times changling I will never be: or, Sawny, or, A fig for France.
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Author / Creator: | Robins, Thomas, active 1672-1685. |
Imprint: | [London] : Printed for P[hilip]. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball, in West Smithfield., [1685?] |
Description: | 1 online resource (1 sheet ([1] pages)) : illustrations (woodcuts) |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | E-Resource Book |
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