Strange and wonderful news from Chippingnorton, in the connty [sic] of Oxon : of certain dreadful aparitions, which were seen in the air, on the 28th of July, which began about half an hour after nine of the clock at night, and continued till near eleven, in which time was seen the appearances of several flaming swords, strange motions of the superior orbs, with the unusual sparkling of the stars, with their dreadful continuations : with the account of the opening of the heavens, and strange appearances therein disclosing themselves, with several other prodigious circumstances, not heard of in any age, to the great amazement of the beholders : as it was communicated in a letter, to one Mr. Tho. Colley, living in West-Smithfield, and attested by Tho. Brown, Eliz. Greenaway and Ann Gutheridge, who were spectators of the dreadful apparitions.

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Imprint:[London] : [publisher not identified], [1679]
Description:1 online resource (2 [i.e. 4] pages)
Format: E-Resource Book
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Notes:Wing S5854
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