The account given by Sir John Ashby Vice-Admiral, and Reere-Admiral Rooke to the Lords Commissioners. Of the engagement at sea, between the English, Dutch, and French fleets, June the 30th. 1690 With a journal of the fleet since their departure from St. Hellens, to their return to the Buoy-in-the-Nore, and other material passages relating to the said engagement. Licensed, March 7th 1690/1.
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Author / Creator: | Ashby, John, Sir, -1693. |
Imprint: | Edinburgh : [s.n.], re-printed in the year 1691. |
Description: | 8, [8] p. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Early English books online. |
Subject: | |
Format: | E-Resource Book |
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