A True relation of the barbarous crueltie of divers of the bloudy caveleers : as in all parts so more especially and principally, now in the county of Northampton where they fight, kill and slay : and commit other horrible execrable and detestable insolencies and outrages : as may be seene by the examinations of diverse persons taken before, Laurence Ball, Major of Northampton, Sir Richard Samuell, Clifton Catesby.

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Bibliographic Details
Imprint:London : Printed for Ioseph Hunscot, 1642.
Description:1 online resource ([8] pages)
Format: E-Resource Book
URL for this record:http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/11828726
Hidden Bibliographic Details
Notes:"The information of Iohn Holles ..." p. 5.
"The information of Thomas Hall ..." p. 7, is signed Laurence Ball, Major. Richard Samuell. Clifton Catesby.
Reproduction of original in Thomason Collection, British Library.
Wing T2931