A True relation of the barbarous crueltie of divers of the bloudy caveleers : as in all parts so more especially and principally, now in the county of Northampton where they fight, kill and slay : and commit other horrible execrable and detestable insolencies and outrages : as may be seene by the examinations of diverse persons taken before, Laurence Ball, Major of Northampton, Sir Richard Samuell, Clifton Catesby.
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Imprint: | London : Printed for Ioseph Hunscot, 1642. |
Description: | 1 online resource ([8] pages) |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | E-Resource Book |
URL for this record: | http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/11828726 |