Summary: | "This book examines the fundamental importance of eros in Plato's writing, arguing that he sees the world as erotic from cosmic origins to human death"-- "Plato, ♯s̥ entire fictive world is permeated with philosophical concern for eros, well beyond the so-called erotic dialogues. Several metaphysical, epistemological, and cosmological conversations, ♯ ︡Timaeus, Cratylus, Parmenides, Theaetetus, and Phaedo, ♯ ︡demonstrate that eros lies at the root of the human condition and that properly guided eros is the essence of a life well lived. This book presents a holistic vision of eros, beginning with the presence of eros at the origin of the cosmos and the human soul, surveying four types of human self-cultivation aimed at good guidance of eros, and concluding with human death as a return to our origins. The book challenges conventional wisdom regarding the, ♯e︢rotic dialogues, ♯ ̮and demonstrates that Plato, ♯s̥ world is erotic from beginning to end: the human soul is primordially erotic and the well cultivated erotic soul can best remember and return to its origins, its lifelong erotic desire"--