Summary: | The Lives and Loves of Daisy and Violet Hilton shares the tumultuous and poignant life story of twin sisters who were literally joined at the hip. Their journey begins in Brighton, England, where they were displayed to the publicf almost frrom the moment of their illegitimate birth. While still toddlers, they were taken to the Australian outback where they were adopted and kept in thrall by a pair of enterprising guardians. Then to the shores of California and the American West, where they graduated from traveling carnivals to the musical variety stage. It was on Broadway that they won the hearts of critics and audiences--especially the men. Along the way they were befriended by Harry Houdini, trouped with Jack Benny, and danced with Bob Hope. But it was for their starring roles in the Tod Browning cult film classic, Freaks, that the Hilton sisters are perhaps best remembered.