Summary: | This book presents the problems of trajectory planning and motion law generation for automatic machines and robots. These aspects are more and more relevant in the design of the motion control system in automatic machines and robots, especially in applications were high dynamics in the payloads are desired, or in case vibrations and/or nonlinear undesired effects are present in the mechanical system. In the book a detailed presentation of several techniques for trajectories definition is reported, both in the one-dimensional and in the multi-dimensional space. Then, an accurate analysis related to their practical implementation and use is presented.In particular, the trajectories are analysed in the time and frequency domain, and criteria for their choice are discussed. These consider the features of both the mechanical and of the actuation system (e.g. mechanical bandwidth, motor saturations, etc.). The book is composed by four sections, which consider the following topics: definition of one-degree o freedom trajectories and of motion laws; computation of the geometric path; composition and time-scaling of trajectories; analysis of trajectories. These contents make the book suitable for university classes on robotics and on control systems technologies. Moreover, the contents of the book are of interest for engineers and technicians, who design and/or develop applications for robots and automatic machines. The Matlab toolbox, accompanying the text, is a useful tool for quickly understanding the problems of planning and starting work with trajectories.