Hidden Bibliographic Details
Other uniform titles: | Chamorro, Graciela,
Combès, Isabelle,
Container of (work): Acçolini, Graziele. Terenas em Mato Grosso do Sul.
Other authors / contributors: | Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados. Faculdade de Ciências Humanas, issuing body.
ISBN: | 9788581471204 858147120X
Notes: | Includes bibliographical references (pages 863-909) and index (pages 911-916) In Potuguese.
Summary: | The non-official history and prehistory of each of the ethnic communities of Mato Grosso do Sul through the indigenous versions of their history through testimonies of individual memories, unwritten or indirect sources, both archaeological testimonies of a long-term occupation and documents written by third parties often biased by prejudice and interest. "Mato Grosso do Sul is today the state with the largest number of conflicts between farmers and indigenous peoples; which has the highest Indian homicide rate and the highest youth suicide rate, mostly Kaiowá Indians; where discrimination, hostility and violence against Indians are common. The actions and omissions of the governments of the state of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and the Union over time account for much of these conflicts, as shown on the report of the Comissão Nacional da Verdade (National Truth Commission)." (HKB Translation) --Verso Cover.