Summary: | "A writer's goal--whether they are a traveler, memoirist, journalist, novelist, or blogger--is to live with the keenness of the foreigner, that is, to experience the sensations and events offered up by their surroundings and evoke them so thoroughly on the page that readers are transported to a rich and miraculous world. A time-honored way this may be accomplished is through a field notebook. For many years Sara Mansfield Taber has welcomed adults into her writing seminars--wonderful people writing of their travels, their explorations of interesting people, their childhoods, their fictional characters, and their complex lives. Each and every one has unique tales to tell and wisdom to impart. The one thing they too-often lack is adequate notes on the very people and places they want to write about. Their notes--and consequently their writings--have a fundamental flaw: an insufficiency of concrete and sensory detail with which to build flavorful, satisfying stories. Taber has written this field notebook to rectify the situation. She offers a concise guide--both a writer's handbook and a field-ready notebook--to ensure that writers will record their experiences so richly that their writing, and the essays and stories that may later come from the jottings, will fall off the page like ripe plums."--