Summary: | "The authors (Milan Ivelic Kusanovic and Gaspar Galaz Capechiacci), outstanding academics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, present a group of artists who belong to the promotions of the last 25 years. This study began with the review of their works and interviews with each one. They considered the depth of their work. They analyzed their work strategies, the materials used and the processed contents in a hyper-saturated reality with images on the screns of TVs, mobile phones, computers, tablets, and the invasive ads, without omitting, by the way, the current historical context . As never before, their proposals are wide and diverse. These are no longer closed groups or tightly closed boundaries, but open and permeable borders; migrations that make it possible to move from one thematic field to another, from the choice of varied materials and instrumental means of work that distance themselves from traditional techniques, product of the mobility of a changing world." (HKB Translation)--Verso Cover.