Notes: | "Read before the Medical Society of London, and Reprinted from the British Medical Journal, May 8th, 1875."--Title page. Collection FA: RCPCFA012, RCP Library. Document notes: Variant Title: British medical journal; Considerations on the treatment of new formations of benign character in the larynx, Statement of Responsibility: by Lennox Browne, Corporate Author: Medical Society of London, Illustrations: ill., Dimensions: 21 cm, General Note: On title page: Read before the Medical Society of London, and reprinted from the British Medical Journal, May 8th, 1875.; Caption title: Considerations on the treatment of new formations of benign character in the larynx.; Two copies.; Another copy: Tr. 182(7)., priref: 5002, Barcode: 28060, CopyShelfRef: Tract 182, CID: 4258. Description based on online resource.