Summary: | This book presents some considerations of anger where it comes close to conduct and religion. It is hoped that the explanation of conscience, and of the origins of religion, and particularly of monotheism has been carried a firm step farther than hitherto, and that interest will be found in the novel grouping of the great faiths with respect to wrath. What is here said of war should be counted as but preliminary and as part of a larger plan for its psychology. The spirit of the great religions is drawn from their sacred writings. From this it will be understood that by Buddhism, Jainism, Vishnuism, Taoism, Confucianism, Zarathustrism, Islam, or Christianity, is meant (unless there is special word to the contrary) the religion which dominates the canon used; and there is not meant the religious life which may have preceded or followed the enlargement of faith there recorded. Although loss doubtless comes of following this strict procedure, yet the scientific advantages are clear, since thus we have fairly comparable data from far groups of people who by reason of their remoteness in time or place or tongue are unequally accessible by interview or questionary or by report of travellers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved).