Notes: | The engraved frontispiece is by William Blake after Fuseli and is lettered: Blake. Sc. Cf. Keynes, 101. Translated from German by Henry Fuseli. Cf. Bentley. "End of vol. I."--Page 224. No more published. A second volume of "Aphorisms on art" (by Fuseli?) promised in the translator's preface (p. vi) was printed, but the whole impression destroyed by fire. cf. Life and writings of Henry Fuseli, 1831, v. 1, p. 160. Motto on t.p.: "--È coelo descendit gnōthi seauton. Juv. Sat. IX." [Last two words of motto transliterated from Greek.]. Dedication "To Henry Fuseli, A.M.": pages iii-iv. "Errata": leaf inserted after page vi. Keynes, G. Blake, 101 Bentley, G.E. Blake books, 480 English short title catalogue, T137188 Essick, R.N. William Blake's commercial book illustration, XVIII Easson, R.R. William Blake: book illustrator, volume II, entry XXXII, 1a