Summary: | This book is the result of the most comprehensive research ever done on the mountain range of Chiribiquete and the ancestral treasure it houses. Its content causes admiration and surprise, and challenges you to know more and better understand the unpublished past. From the theories about the date of man's arrival in America, well before what anthropology has said, to the ritual meaning of more than 70,000 drawings painted on the rocks of the Tepuyes of our Amazon, that admirable discovery that overlooks American indigenous cosmogony, is a detailed document, profuse in study , full of science and analysis, superbly illustrated with photographs, graphics and maps of ancestral territory. It is also a warning sign for us to initiate the immediate protection of this cultural and natural heritage of humanity. After all, as the shamans say, Chiribiquete is the center of the world, where the echoes of silence are sheltered.