Summary: | The author of this book bought a library that had been sold off by an unknown previous owner to a bookstore. He realizes this when he notices that all the books are marked with the letter "H," possibly the initial of the previous owner's name. He then discovers numerous marginal notes in these books, and the fact that the previous owner used to write the purchase date inside the books helps him piece together the story of "H" in roughly chronological order. He also finds a folder with additional notes that provided some help. To ensure the necessary privacy, though the identity of "H" remained unknown to him, he decided to change the full names given in the marginal notes and the name of the street in "H"'s neighborhood. He deduced that "H" was a married man with a daughter, though he had not lived with them for several years before leaving Iran for France. "H" was a writer who had decided to publish his own novel but changed his mind at the last moment when he was arrested in Iran on 18 Tir 1378 (July 9, 1999) during the Tehran University student protests against the closure of the reformist newspaper "Salam." His books were sold off 13 years after he left Iran at a bookseller near Tehran University, in Inqilab Square. Some of the facsimiles of the marginal notes and other materials are presented in this book.