Notes: | At head of title: Titi Petronii Arbitri, equitis romani. Below imprint: Musae Britannicae, é poëmatis varij argumenti, vel hactenus ineditis, vel sparsim editis & rarissimis constantes. Pretium 2s.6d. Includes an introd. letter, "Typographus lectori" (which explains, inter alia, that the "fragments" are set off in the text by italics), correspondence between F. Nodot (the discoverer--later proven forger--of the fragments) & F. Charpentier (pres. of Fr. Acad.), & congratulatory poems to Nodot by Santeuil, de Caen & Jos. Olivier. Same sheets as 1707 ed. with new (cancellans) and 9 plates: engr. t-p (H. Hulbergh Sc), p.25,27,86,112,125,141,143,147. Press figures (?) as in 1707 ed. (Curll A1) Straus, R. Curll, p.215.