Summary: | In recent decades, feminist geographers have advanced a better insight into gender dynamics by exploring how women interact with their surrounding space and their complex relationship to the household. Regarding ancient cultures, a reconsideration of gendered spaces and women's mobility is also taking place. This re-evaluation invites an informed analysis of how female mobility is mapped in Greek mythic thought, especially since the world of myth opens a window to social ideology and the imaginaire. Many female figures in myth enjoy a freedom of movement that appears to defy the Classical decorum of female immobility and invisibility inside the household. Drawing primarily on close readings of Archaic and Classical literary sources, Female Mobility and Gendered Space in Ancient Greek Myth explores a broad collection of female figures in Greek myth. It highlights aspects of female mobility and the construing of space in these narratives, thus offering the first book-length consideration of the intersection of gender, mobility and space in Greek myth. The book investigates the mythical narratives within their social context, seeking to reveal expressions of cultural ideology on gendered mobility. The close analysis of female characters' movement in their mythical landscapes thus offers a substantial contribution to our scholarly understanding of social attitudes towards female mobility in Greek culture.--Publisher description.