Trve newes from Hull: being a perfect relation of a conspiracy there by divers cavaliers comming in disguised habits, and entring themselves as souldiers, who intended to have surprised the tovvne, and to have killed Sir Iohn Hotham : with the manner how their wicked purpose was discovered, and they delivered up to safe custody /
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Author / Creator: | R. C. |
Imprint: | London : Printed for Fr. Wright, [1642] |
Description: | [8] p. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 249:E.130, no. 24. |
Subject: | |
Format: | Microform Book |
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Regenstein, 3rd Floor Microforms
Call Number: |
microfm PN6010.E34 1975
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