Notes: | "A secretly-printed Quaker tract, on the cruel action taken by the General Court of Massachusetts in 1643 against the Quakers, and Anne Hutchison." -- Pref. to the 1929 edition. "Some tenents ... found ... in a book called, The elders tenents in the Bay," p. 24-28; "Queries ... for the New-England priests and elders to answer," signed: G. F[ox], p. 29-33; "The copy of a letter which was delivered into the hands of R. Bellingham ... for him to read and consider," dated and signed: the 15th of the 4th moneth, 1667. John Tyso, and other writings by Tyso, p. 34-43. Reproduction of original in Harvard University Libraries. Wing G2065 Sabin 28926 Smith: Friend's books I 875 Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms, 1973. 1 microfilm reel : 35 mm. (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 456:19)