Summary: | "Marcial es un hombre exigente, con don de palabra, y orgulloso de su formación autodidacta. Un día se encuentra con una mujer que no solo le fascina, sino que reúne todo aquello que le gustaría tener en la vida: buen gusto, alta posición, relaciones con gente interesante. Él, que tiene un alto concepto de sí mismo, es de hecho encargado en una empresa cárnica. Ella, que se ha presentado como Pepita, es estudiosa del arte y pertenece a una familia adinerada. Marcial necesita contarnos su historia de amor, el despliegue de sus talentos para conquistarla, su estrategia para desbancar a los otros pretendientes y sobre todo qué ocurrió cuando fue invitado a una fiesta en casa de su amada"--Publisher's website. "Marcial is a demanding man, with a gift for words, and proud of his self-taught training. One day he meets a woman who not only fascinates him, but also brings together everything he would like to have in life: good taste, high position , relationships with interesting people. He, who has a high opinion of himself, is in fact a manager in a meat company. She, who has introduced herself as Pepita, is an art student and belongs to a wealthy family. Marcial needs to tell us about her love story, the deployment of his talents to conquer her, his strategy to unseat the other suitors and above all what happened when he was invited to a party at his beloved's house"--Publisher's website.