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Varying Form of Title: | Arte y participación colectiva para imaginar territorios y comunidades
Other authors / contributors: | García Saavedra, Soledad, editor.
Figueroa Neikoleo, Jessica, editor.
Biskupovic Martínez, Ignacia, editor.
Ares, Pablo, writer of added commentary.
ISBN: | 9789569336065 9569336064
Notes: | "This publication was developed within the framework of the action research project Mirada de Barrio 2017-2020 of the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende. The edition respected the style of its authors, understanding the diversity of voices and way of facing writing" (HKB Translation) --Colophon. Includes bibliographical references.
Summary: | With an accent on art, this publication collects the participatory experiences explored in "Mirada de Barrio", an action-research project initiated by the Public Programs area of the Salvador Allende Solidarity Museum (MSSA), together with residents of the neighborhood Republic in Santiago de Chile. From reflection and artistic practices, the processes of design and collective creation, community ties and actions are shared to be able to imagine and transform the territory. Combining theory and practice, thoughts and doing together, this book provides connections to learn the processes of Mirada de Barrio, with exercises, methodologies and tools to be activated in future experiences, self-managed or under the wing of an institution.