Notes: | AMDigital Reference:MH 32/57 Use the corresponding MH 33 Register of correspondence linked below to help search within this volume. MH 32 Local Government Board and Predecessors: Assistant Poor Law Commissioners and Inspectors, Correspondence, 1834-1904;This series contains correspondence of the Poor Law Commission and Board with assistant poor law commissioners and poor law inspectors, and of the Local Government Board with its general, engineering, medical, school, boarding-out and other inspectors. The series also contains separate volumes of correspondence on special subjects with various inspectors, and also circulars of the Board, reports of inspectors on the conditions and classification of workhouses, a medical report on infant feeding and a report by Edwin Chadwick on outdoor relief, 1840. Reproduction of: Charles Mott, correspondence and papers related to the North Western District (includes Lancashire and Manchester) Charles Mott, correspondence and papers related to the North Western District (includes Lancashire and Manchester), 1838-1843 The National Archives, UK