Summary: | The current rural scenario in Colombia is marked by a condition of poverty, which, in turn, is reflected in the infrastructure and sustainability component. This research document was developed from primary and secondary sources. The field information (primary sources) was recorded and analyzed in a preliminary manner with the support of students who completed their final degree project, and who were cited as authors of several sources of information. Once the information was collected and organized, the teachers and researchers proceeded to study and write the different chapters of this document. This primary information was complemented by secondary information, whose sources were state agencies and cooperation agencies. "The present report corresponds to the results obtained from the Plan Institucional de Desarrollo (PID), of the Universidad de La Salle, between the years 2015-2020, called "Condiciones de infraestructura vial, de abastecimiento de agua y de saneamiento, para un modelo de desarrollo rural sostenible en Colombia" (Conditions of road, water supply and sanitation infrastructure, for a model of sustainable rural development in Colombia)" (HKB Translation) --Page xv.