Notes: | "This volume comprises the Sunday afternoon lectures delivered during the past winter in Farwell Hall, Chicago, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, together with several new and hitherto unpublished papers upon vital themes"--publishers' note, Chicago, April 15, 1881. Johnson was a clergyman, born near Fonda, New York, 21 September, 1832. He was graduated at Hamilton College in 1857, and at Auburn Theological Seminary in 1860, and held Presbyterian pastorates in Troy, New York, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania In 1874 he became professor of homiletics and pastoral theology in Auburn Theological Seminary, and in 1880 he accepted a pastorate in Chicago, and also became lecturer on sacred rhetoric in the Theological Seminary of the Northwest. In July, 1883, he resigned his pastoral charge and accepted the professorship of sacred rhetoric and pastoral theology in the Seminary. He was moderator of the general assembly at Springfield, Ill., in 1882, and is president of the Presbyterian Church Board of Aid for colleges and academies, and of the Board of Trustees of Lake Forest University. The degree of D. D. was conferred on him by Western Reserve College in 1867. Besides many sermons and articles in periodicals, he has published "Christianity's Challenge" (Chicago, 1882); "Plain Talks about the Theatre" (1883); and "Revivals, their Place and Power" (1883). Cf. Appletons encyclopedia, c2001 Virtualogy website. committed to retain from JKM Seminaries Library 2023 JKM University of Chicago Library