Notes: | Without music. "It was ... by the labors of Mr. [Rufus] Babcock that the Church psalmody [compiled by Lowell Mason and David Greene] was revised; some hymns being omitted, and others substituted or added, for the purpose of adapting that work for use in the Baptist churches in the United States; which revised edition has been published under the title of Manual of Christian psalmody."--Union hymns (Boston, 1834), p. [2]. "The number of metrical pieces of the psalms is 454, and the number of the hymns 731, making 1185 in all. Of these, 421 are from Dr. Watts ..."--Preface, p. viii. Preface signed by the compilers, p. x: Lowell Mason, David Greene. Boston, August, 1831. Copyright 1832 by Perkins & Marvin. Last page blank. Includes indexes. Checklist Amer. imprints 51548 committed to retain from JKM Seminaries Library 2023 JKM University of Chicago Library