Notes: | "Fifth printing"--t.p. "In the fifth printing, a few additions have been made in the bibliography"--p. 3. "'An index to the Biblical Passages cited in Franz Rosenthal, A Grammar of Biblical Aramaic' was published by G.H. Wilson, in Journal of Semitic Studies, XXIV (1979), 21-24"--p. 3. " knowledge of Hebrew is presupposed ... The basis of this grammar is the text as published in the 'Kittel Bible,' that is, the third edition of the Biblia Hebraica (Stuttgart, 1937), originally organized by R. Kittel"--pref. Includes Aramaic glossary: p. [77]-100. Bibliography: p. [72]-76. committed to retain from JKM Seminaries Library 2023 JKM University of Chicago Library