Summary: | The Book of Exodus is without a doubt one of the most eventful and important books of the Bible. William H. Propp's "Exodus 1-18" is a masterful translation, exploration, and analysis of the book's first eighteen chapters, which center around the dramatic conflict between the God of Israel and the pharaoh of Egypt over the fate of the Israelite slaves. With divine intervention and Moses on their side, the enslaved descendants of Abraham manage a harrowing escape across the parted Red Sea, leading to the birth of the nation of Israel. Threaded throughout this story of an oppressed people struggling for freedom are some of the most intriguing episodes in the Bible. From the discovery of Moses in a basket made of bulrushes to the story of the burning bush, from the plagues visited upon the Egyptians by God to water from rock and quail and manna from the skies, Exodus is filled with the miraculous and the dramatic. Doubleday is proud to be, at long last, publishing the first of two Anchor Bible Commentary volumes on Exodus. Exhaustive, meticulous, and brilliantly researched, Propp's "Exodus 1-18" will be regarded as the definitive analysis of this crucial biblical text.