Summary: | "Black Love by Chinonyerem Odimba, with music by Ben and Max Ringham, is an innovative, form-crossing drama that combines real-life stories, imagined worlds, and new songs inspired by an R&B heritage. It was first presented as a co-production between Paines Plough and Belgrade Theatre Coventry in association with tiata fahodzi, in Paines Plough's the Roundabout at Belgrade Theatre Coventry, on 28 July 2021, before touring the UK. The play is principally set in the small London flat shared by brother and sister, Aurora and Orion. Aurora, known as Roo, is a twenty-two-year-old Black British woman who has lived in London all her life, and works as a youth support worker. Orion is twenty-five, has lived abroad in the past but now lives in London with his sister, and is an actor. The play is partly narrated by the figure of Black Nova, 'a person sometimes - a soundscape sometimes'. Roo and Orion look after each other, filled with the memories of their parents' Black Love; but when that love is threatened, they must confront their own worst fears as they find their way back to each other and to what it means to love whilst Black. The premiere production was co-directed by Chinonyerem Odimba and Katie Posner, and designed by Lydia Denno. It was performed by Leah St Luce, Nathan Queeley-Dennis, Eleanor Sutton and Ayo-Dele Edwards"--About the play.