Summary: | "The Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review Focus Notes 2014 are developed for each of the three parts of the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam 2014 sponsored by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). The purpose of the Focus Notes is to digest and assimilate the vast amounts of knowledge, skills, and abilities tested on the CIA exam in a clear, concise, easy-to-read, and easy-to-use format anywhere and anytime to achieve success in the exam. Each of the Focus Notes book topics is organized in the same way as the Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review book topics, that is, one Focus Notes book for each of the three-part review books. This clear linkage makes the exam study time more efficient and long-lasting, and provides the ability to recall important concepts, tools, and techniques, and the IIA Standards tested on the CIA exams."--