Summary: | This program focuses on three major diseases that affect the Third World community: lupus, high blood pressure, and sickle cell anemia. Host Barbara Barrow-Murray, in a live program, speaks with guests Henrietta Aladjem (author of The Sun is My Enemy, a book detailing her life as a lupus patient), Dr. Carlos Vera (a hematologist at the Boston City Hospital and director of a clinical study on sickle cell at the Boston Sickle Cell Center), Dr. Patricia Frazier (immunologist at the Robert Brigham Hospital and a lupus specialist), Beverly Gibson (of the sickle cell unit at Children's Hospital), and Dr. Roger Jean-Charles (an internist at Boston University Medical Center, consultant for the American Heart Association and past president of the New England High Blood Pressure Council) about the symptoms of these diseases, where to go for testing, and treatment information. Program includes viewer calls.