Summary: | Danny, Melvin, and David are "Los Villanos," a group of friends who grew up together in an affordable housing development in South Central Los Angeles. Against a backdrop of poverty and violence, they and their families have carved out a space for flourishing in the "Villa of Hope." In this documentary, we encounter the young men at the cusp of adulthood. As the joys of a relatively carefree childhood slip further and further away, they face the stresses of work, school, and family obligations. The friends strive to honor their immigrant parents' sacrifices, hoping to live out some form of the American Dream, but their struggles call into question the belief that upward mobility can be achieved by hard work alone. An exploration of the intimate effects of violence, the difficulties of working class life, and the importance of family and friendship, Los Villanos opens a window into young men's coming of age in the City of Angels.