Summary: | "When I started fieldwork for my PhD dissertation, I was fresh out of Edward Schatz's qualitative methods graduate seminar at the University of Toronto. The seminar was based on his edited volume Political Ethnography (Schatz 2009), which I devoured, but I have only recently grasped the book's importance in my discipline of political science. Political Ethnography signaled that questions of positionality were finally being taken seriously by political scientists, many years after their integration in fields such as anthropology, sociology, and geography. Around the same time, the late Lee Ann Fujii, whose 2018 book Interviewing in Social Science Research in many ways defined the direction of qualitative methods in political science, gave a job talk in my department. Mesmerized by her account of how local ties shaped mass-scale violence in Rwanda, I asked Fujii to join my doctoral committee. Looking back, I realize just how much these formative mentors influenced what I would see as my key responsibilities during my first fieldwork trips to the former Yugoslavia region in 2010 and 2011"--