Summary: | This book aims to address cutting-edge progress in the area of synthesisand biomedical applications of magnetic nanomaterials. It compiles a broadspectrum from fundamental principles to technological advances, from synthesisand modification to biomedical applications along with biocompatibility. Themain topics include principles in nanomagnetism, technologies for magneticnanomaterials fabrication, developments in their biomedical applications, andthe challenges in the toxicity in clinical translation. The first partintroduced the principles of nanomagnetism and specific properties in magnetic nanomaterials.Then, some typical fabrication strategies in magnetic nanomaterials forcontrolled composition, morphologies and sizes are reviewed; and surfacemodification methods with better hydrophilcity and biocompatibility arepresented. Next, magnetic nanomaterials-based applications in biomedical fieldare highlighted in detail, mainly including magnetic resonance image, magnetic hyperthermia,cancer therapy, multi-mode imaging, imaging-guided therapy and manipulatebiological objects. Finally, biocompatibility issues caused by magneticnanomaterials are also overviewed.