Accidents in mines, in the North Staffordshire coalfield : arising from falls of roof and sides, their causes, and the means of diminishing their frequency, with detailed sections of the workable seams, and an account of the system of timbering in vogue in that coalfield, and applicable elsewhere /

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Bibliographic Details
Author / Creator:Sawyer, Arthur Robert, 1854-
Imprint:London : Simpkin, Marshall ; Hanley : Allbut and Daniel, 1886.
Description:101 p., 145 leaves of plates : ill. (some fold.), map ; 26 cm.
Series:History of technology preservation project ; (MN 01506.4).
Format: Microform Book
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Notes:Microfilm. Chicago : University of Chicago Library, 1993. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (MN 01506.4).

Regenstein, B Level, Science Microforms

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Call Number: microfm TN808.G72S7 1886
c.1 Available Loan period: standard loan  Need help? - Ask a Librarian