Table of Contents:
- Bouwsma, O. K. Descartes' skepticism of the senses
- Macdonald, M. Sleeping and waking
- Yost, R. M., Jr., and Kalish, D. Miss Macdonald on sleeping and waking
- Malcolm, N. Dreaming and skepticism
- Ayer, A. J. Professor Malcolm on dreams
- Canfield, J. V. Judgments in sleep
- Caldwell, R. L. Malcolm and the criterion of sleep
- Chihara, C. S. and Fodor, J. A. Operationalism and ordinary language: a critique of Wittgenstein
- Pears, D. F. Dreaming
- Dennett, D. C. Are dreams experiences?--Chihara, C. S. What dreams are made on
- Siegler, F. A. Remembering dreams
- Chappell, V. C. The concept of dreaming
- Landesman, C. Dreams: two types of explanations
- Curley, E. M. Dreaming and conceptual revision.