Notes: | Minnesang (1st-9th works; 1st, 3rd, 5th-6th, 8th works performed in instrumental versions), cantigas (11th work), and an instrumental performance of a monophonic song (10th work). Old High German (1st, 3rd, 5th-6th, and 8th works) and Gallego-Portuguese words (11th work). Compact disc. Includes program notes (46 p. ; 12 cm.) by James A. Schultz and Mary Springfels in English with French and German translations and words of the songs with English, French, and German translations printed as text. Newberry Consort; Drew Minter, countertenor (2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th, 11th works); Mary Springfels, director. Recorded Nov. 18-20, 1991, at Skywalker Sound.