Notes: | Issued, in regular installments, as separately-paged supplement to the Anales del Museo nacional de México, t. 1-3, 1877-1884. Part of the text of the Mexican chronicle mentioned by Boturini in his Catalogo del museo historico indiano, ; VIII, no. 13, as "Una historia de los reynos de Culhuàcan. y Mexico," and named "Codex Chimalpópoca" (or Chimalpopocatl) by Brasseur de Bourbourg. For an extended description of the chronicle see the latter writer's Lettres pour servir d'introd. à l'hist. primitive des nations civil. de l'Amér. Sept., Mexico, 1851, p. 15-26. Caption title (p. 5): "Anales antiguos de México y sus contornos, comp. por José F. Ramirez ..." This is the title of Ramirez' collection of copies of ancient Mexican MSS. of which the "Anales de Cuauhtitlan" form the first number. cf. García Icazbelceta, Apuntes para un catalogo de escritores en lenguas indigenas de America. 2. ed., Mexico, 1898, p. 131-132. committed to retain 20170930 20421213 HathiTrust