Notes: | Facsimile reprint of The book of Fenagh in Irish and English, orginally compiled by St. Caillin, archbishop, abbot, and founder of Fenagh, alias Dunbally of Moy-Rein, tempore St. Patricii; with the contractions resolved, and, (as far as possible), the original text restored. The whole carefully revised, indexed, and copiously annotated, by W. M. Hennessy, M. R. I. A., and done into English, by D. H. Kelly, M. R. I. A., Dublin, 1875. Irish and English on opposite pages. "From the O'Donovan transcript 23 P8 ... Scribe: Muirgius mac Paidín Uí Maelchonairi who incorporated into the resent Life of St. Caillín in 1516 ... the metrical contents of an ancient ms. known as the Book of St. Caillín ... The Ms. embodies much historical material relating to the two Breifnes, the present counties of Leitrim and Cavan."--R. I. A. Lib., Catalogue of Irish mss., fasc. 10, p. 1285-1286. Includes the pedigree of Caillin, of the abbot Tadhg O'Rodaighe (O'Roddy) and the descendants of Conmhac. Addenda slip inserted.