Notes: | "1927 North American datum, Lambert conformal conic projection based on standard parallels 33⁰ and 45⁰." Relief shown by spot heights. "This stream evaluation map is provided to assist Federal and State agencies and water users in assessing the impact of proposed water development projects on existing fishery resources. The map displays an appraisal of the relative value of stream fishery resources within the State and is based on information and professional opinion available as of fall 1976." "This map is one of several similar products of a cooperative effort whose participants included the U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Biological Services and Division of Ecological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service; State Fish and Wildlife Departments ... and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency." "Hydrologic unit base map compiled, edited, and published by the Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Water Resources Council." Includes text.