Notes: | Title from container insert. "March 1996." Shipping list no.: 96-0031-E. CD-ROM set contains data, summary tables, and access software for 197 buoy and C-MAN sites managed by the National Data Buoy Center. Hourly data, including air/sea temperature, wind, pressure, wave hight/period, are for period of record through 1993. Both vols. contain summary tables for all 197 sites. V. 1 also contains hourly data for North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico sites. V. 2 also contains hourly data for North and South Pacific, Gulf of Alaska, and Great Lakes sites. System requirements: IBM or compatible PC; EGA or VGA graphics card for extended color graphics with memory; 420K RAM, or greater; MS-DOS 5.0, or higher; hard drive (or floppy drive for temporary file creation); CD-ROM drive with Microsoft CD Extensions (MSCDEX); mouse (Microsoft compatible).