Notes: | The volumes of the Compte-rendu, 1852-61 (9 vols.) were issued with-out volume numbers, but are considered as the three volumes of the first series of the Mémoires; 1852-56 form v. 1; 1857-58, v. 2; 1859-61, v. 3 (cf. Bulletin, supplément aux XXVIIe et XXVIIIe volumes, 1901, p. [103]-106). The second series, 1862-76, is numbered "Mémoires, 2e série, 1er-7e volume; the third series, 1877-86, "Mémoires, 11e-17e volume, ou 1er-7e volume de la 3e série". After 1886 the numbering by series was discontinued, and the volumes are numbered "18e volume", etc.