Notes: | The second and third parts each have a special t.-p.: [Eirēnarchia], sive, Elizabetha : de pacatissimo Angliæ statu ... and: Alexandri Nevilli Kettva, sive, De furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto duce liber unus. Londini : ex officina Henrici Binnemani typographi ... 1582. (Imprint of 1st 2 parts includes Nuberie, pt. 3 only Bynneman.) STC 18773.7, with last line on leaf N1 v. beginning "ni ex". Signatures A⁴ B-L⁸ M⁴ N-T⁸ V⁴ (M4 blank). Printer's device on t.p. (McKerrow 229). Folger. Printed books, 19:140.