Notes: | With added t.-p. in English: The Fernaig manuscript: A handful of lays written by Duncan Mac Rae, 1688, in two booklets presently lying in the Library of the University of Glasgow; revealed here according to Duncan's own spelling and the standard spelling of the present day, by Malcolm MacFarlane. "Cha deach os clonn ceud ceann gu leth de leabhar Lamh sgriobhainn Mhic Rath a chur an clò mu choinnimh an fhroisidh so; agus is teisteas an t-ainn shios gur e so mac-samhuil [sònriuchte] diubh." Signed: Calum S. MacLeoid. Printed for the first time in Cameron's Reliquiae celticae, 1894. committed to retain 20170930 20421213 HathiTrust