The workes of Mr. Iohn Weemse of Lathocker in Scotland. Containing an exposition of the lavves of Moses, viz. ceremoniall and iudiciall. Wherein is contained an explanation of divers questions and positions for the right understanding of them. Together with Exertations Divine, proving the necessitie, majestie, integritie, perspicuitie, and sence of the scriptures. All which are cleared out of the originall languages, the customes of the Iewes, and the distinctions of the schoolemen. The third volumne :

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Bibliographic Details
Author / Creator:Weemes, John, 1579?-1636.
Imprint:London : Printed by M. Dawson for John Bellamie, 1636.
Description:[5], 261, [1] ; 21 cm.
Format: Print Book
Local Note:University of Chicago Library's copy lacking Exertations Divine.
University of Chicago Library's copy bound with The workes of Mr. Iohn Weemse of Lathocker in Scotland: The second volumne, Containing an exposition of the morall law and An exposition of the second table of the morall law. London : Bellamie,1636.
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Hidden Bibliographic Details
Varying Form of Title:Exposition of the lavves of Moses
Exposition of the ceremoniall lavves of Moses : as they are annexed to the tenne commandements. Wherein are cleared divers customes of the Iewes, and also the customes of the Gentiles, as they have relation to the Iewish, out of the originall tongues, the Hebrew and Greeke. Together with directions how to make the right use of tham in preaching. All serving to let us see how they lead us as types of Iesus Christ
Works of Mr. John Weems
Notes:Head- and tail-pieces; initials.
Added title page: Exposition of the ceremoniall lavves of Moses : as they are annexed to the tenne commandements. Wherein are cleared divers customes of the Iewes, and also the customes of the Gentiles, as they have relation to the Iewish, out of the originall tongues, the Hebrew and Greeke.

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