Notes: | Includes index. "Together with the various evidences and proofs produced against him at the Lords Bar, in justification of the first branch of the Commons charge against him; to wit, his trayterous endeavours to alter and subvert Gods true religion, by law established among us; to introduce and set up popish superstition and idolatry in liew thereof, by insensible degrees; and to reconcile the Church of England to the Church of Rome, by sundry Jesuiticall pollices, practises: with his severall answers to those evidences, proofs, and the Commons reply thereunto. Wherein this arch-prelates manifold trayterous artifices to usher in popery by degrees, are cleerly detected, and the ecclesiasticall history of our church-affaires, during his pontificall domination, faithfully presented to the publike view of the world." Errata: p. [1] at end. Printed marginalia; head-pieces; initials; frontispiece; title-page within double rule.