Notes: | The text, based on manuscript 50a, that is, manuscript K.A., Alte sammlung L. a., in the Bibliothek des Baron Brukenthalischen Museums at Sibiiu (formerly Hermannstadt), Rumania, with foot-notes showing the essential variations in manuscript IV 754 S in the Bücherei des Evangelischen Gymnasiums at Sighisoara (formerly Schässburg) and in manuscript 49a (numbered 26b on its t.-p.) in the Bibliothek des Honterusgymnasiums in Brasov (formerly Kronstadt) Short title on t.-p. of the Sibiiu manuscript: Abhandlung von dem Ursprung der sachsischen nation. Bibliographical foot-notes. "Verzeichnis der vom herausgeber angeführten literatur": pages [159]-160.