The works' manager's hand-book of modern rules, tables, and data for civil and mechanical engineers, millwrights, and boiler makers; tool makers, machinists, and metal workers; iron and brass founders, etc., etc. In six sections: I.Stationary and locomotive steam engines, gas engines. II.Hydraulic memoranda; pipes, pumps, waterpower. III.Millwork; shafting, gearing, pulleys. IV.Steam boilers, safety valves, factory chimneys. V.Heat, warming and ventilating; melting, cutting, and finishing metals; alloys and casting; wheel-cutting; screw-cutting. VI.Strength and weight of materials; workshop data, etc.
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Author / Creator: | Hutton, Walter S. |
Edition: | 6th ed, rev. and enl. |
Imprint: | London, Van Nostrand co. 1901. |
Description: | xiv, 443 p. tables, diagrs. cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
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621.02 Q101
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